Tuesday, 12 April 2011

true bible location

The bible stories were transferred by word of mouth through out the centuries, and by different tribes with different languages. The Hebrew Scriptures tells us different stories about the same event. The characters in theses stories are called by many different names and to the reader they are different stories about different people. You as a reader must remember before they were written down. It is inevitable to end up with distorted stories as a result of this long oral tradition. Upon writing the stories, the priests and the editors made there own "contribution" to the text that we have now. Translators have altered portions of the texts so as to comply with their "standard of morality". Translation is difficult. One Hebrew word may need a dozen English words to explain its exact meaning. The Hebrew Scriptures state or strongly imply that Moses was the author. But nowhere in the Bible is it specifically stated that Moses wrote the entire Hebrew Scriptures. Even if one believes in the inerrancy of the Bible, a case can be made that he authored only parts of the Torah, and that other writers added sections of their own and/or edited the resultant text. I believe, as you will see, that Moses was not just a king but also a poet, a scribe, a vizier and priest. The main events in the Torah are based on late18th and early 19th dynasties ruling in what we called today Egypt.
To understand the stories and events we must look at there location.
The location of the early bible stories is the must important factor in understanding the true characters and events that history has hidden from us today. The general understanding today is that the stories began in modern Egypt and after the exodus moved to Palestine and modern Israel.
So lets begin with Egypt, The term Egypt in ancient sources referred to Thebes and not the entire region of modern Egypt today. In modern terms Thebes is located in the South of Egypt and was the capital of Upper Egypt. Knowing this we can determine that when the bible was referring to Egypt, it was in fact talking about Upper/southern land, which Thebes was the capital. Understanding this, lets now look to the north were bible tells us were the promise land, the land of milk and honey is located.
The Lower/Northern land, which stretches from Memphis to the Delta, was known in ancient Egypt as “Ta-Bitty”, or “the land of the bee”. Similarly in the bible, the Lord promises to bring the Israelites out of Egypt and into a land flowing with milk and honey. It is plain to see that the location of the exodus began from southern land and ended in the Northern land in the Delta of modern Egypt. Lets now look closer at the northern land. In the bible we know the story of Moses parting the red sea to escape from pharaoh. Today we know that the red sea was a mistranslation and it was the reed sea or sea of reeds. The only sea of reeds in Egypt is at the Fayyum which happens to have an ancient channel called today the canal of Bahr Yusuf /Joseph.

The next location Moses goes to in the bible is mount Sinai. In the Old Testament, the mountain is firstly called ’Mount Horeb’, then it is called ’Mount Sinai’, and is subsequently called ’Horeb’ again as the story progresses. Now are there any mountains between the Fayyum and the Northern land of the Nile delta? Yes in fact there are, man-made mountains, the Giza pyramids and using commonsense the great pyramid must be the bibles mount Sinai.
Now in the Bible, Joseph brought his family to live in Goshen, We know that Joseph was in Egypt at the time and that his family came to live in Heliopolis, so, in this case, Goshen was a province near Heliopolis.
Heliopolis is the Greek name for the city of On which was also known as Bethshemesh to the Egyptians.

Heliopolis was near to modern day Cairo that was at one time called Babylon. This was the original Babylon. Therefore Great Stone of Abel has to be The Great Pyramid, which is Mount Sinai, and The Tower of Babel. The initial 'B' and the ending 'on' have been dropped from 'Abel' at some stage when rewritten down.
The next location we hear about in the bible is the promise land of the Nile delta, so lets look closer at this promise land.
When we speak in modern times about Israel, we have completely forgotten about Judah which in fact is the more important of the two historically because it existed prior to the name "Israel" ever appearing on any monument. The first appearance of the name "Israel" on any monument occurred on the Merenptah Stela of defeated enemies.
The promise land of the Nile Delta is historical the home of the Hebrews in what we "today" call "Egypt" and if we understand that, then Judah was actually the Nile Delta region, which included the lands of Goshen and midian,
Goshen is from which the GIZA plateau takes its name.
JUDAH in hieroglyphic writing is symbolized by the raised cobra hieroglyph, DJD.

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