Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Connecting other stories

ARTAPANUS OF ALEXANDRIA (3rd-2nd centuries B.C.)

Artapanus, Eusebius and Bar Hebraeus, who tell this particular version of an exodus.
These versions specifies that there were two co-regents, "khenephres" and "Palmenothes",

Artapanus wrote that Pharaoh Palmanothes was ruling when Moses was born.
His daughter Merris (meaning 'Beloved') adopted a Hebrew child whom she called Moses
Artapanus states that Merris married Pharaoh Khenephres,

(Eusebius, l.c. ix. 27). Merris being childless, she pretended to have given birth to Moses and brought him up as her own child.
Eusebius also said Pharaoh Khenephres was ruler for 16 years

Palmenothes is a Hellenized rendering of the Hieroglyphics for "pn ImnHtp", king Amenhotep.

khenephres is a Hellenized rendering of the Hieroglyphics for 'Nefer- kheperure', Akhnaten's throne name

Artapanus said Moses was called Hermes, because of his interpretation of the Hieroglyphics. But Hermes is Greek, so this means only one thing Hermes was the Egyptian Thoth and that is clear that his name is Thothmoses.

Artapanus states that Prince Moses led a military campaign against the Ethiopians to extend the frontiers of the Egyptian Empire into Upper Nubia.

Before the Exodus Khenephres died from elephantiasis [comp. Ex. R. i. and Targ. Yer. to Ex. ii. 23]—a disease with which he was the first to be afflicted.

The name Akhencheres occurs more than once in Manetho's 18th Dynasty. But According to these writers Akhencheres is the pharaoh of the exodus not khenephres.

Manetho's Epitome

Manetho's Epitome specifically records that a 'king's daughter', Akhencheres , had succeeded her father in the late eighteenth dynasty, this was evidently a reference to Neferneferuaten's feminine prenomen Ankh(et)kheperure and must be an allusion to the fact that Akhenaten was succeeded by one of his sisters and daughter of Amenhotep III

Tacitus has a different version, according to which the Jews were natives of Egypt, and had emigrated during the reign of Isis ("Hist." v. 2-5).

Flavius Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews (Ant. II.x.2) around 91 A.D

Moses is sent by his adopted mother Thermutis to Pharaoh to receive the honour of generalship over the army being sent against Ethiopia.
Moses marries the daughter of the Ethiopian king

Chronicles of Jerahmeel
"Thermutis was the name of the princess who saw Moses in the water-cradle and conceived a love for him on account of his striking beauty. The child, however, refused to suckle from any other breast but that of his mother." "Moses excelled all by his tall stature and beauty of countenance as well as by his quickness of apprehension." "Thermutis, being without child, brought him up as her own son, and one day when she presented him to her father as her own child, and heir to the throne—a gift she had received from the river-god


Moses was eighteen years old when he left Egypt
Moses arrived at the camp of Kikianus, which at that time was besieging Kush.
Moses was nine years in the camp of Kikianus king of Cush, all the time that they were besieging Cush
Moses stature was like a noble lion, his face was like the sun, and his strength was like that of a lion, and he was counsellor to the king.

At the end of nine years, Kikianus was seized with a mortal disease and died.
Moses was made king of kush and was married to Adoniah the queen


The Princess had received Moses from the river-god = Nun or Hapi
Identify Moses with Tot-Hermes
King Palmenothes is rendering of Pharaoh Amenhotep
King Khenephres is rendering of Pharaoh Akhnaten
King Kikianus of Kush
Moses was Nine years in the camp of Kikianus
Pharaoh Khenephres died from elephantiasis
King Kikianus was seized with a mortal disease and died
Moses marries the daughter of the king
Moses married Adoniah the queen
Moses was made king
Akhencheres is the pharaoh of the exodus
Akhencheres is a female pharaoh
Jews emigrated during the reign of Isis
Female pharaoh Ankhet-kheperure Neferneferuaten used epithet used for the goddess Isis
Akhencheres is rendering of Pharaoh Ankhet-kheperure
Prince Moses led a military campaign against the Ethiopians
Moses given an Army to invade Ethiopia / Kush
Merris (meaning 'Beloved') adopted Moses
Merris married Pharaoh Khenephres
Merris being childless i.e (no sons)

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